
Conscious that Excellence only perpetuates in the time by maintaining strongly the cape on the last technological breakthroughs, Integrytis invests strongly in advanced technologies that will make tomorrow‘s economic success.

Is the bar code useful to better manage the traceability of my pallets?

SME Manager, Mass-market retailing (food sector)

What are the consequences of the use on a large scale of electronic identification technologies such as RFID in my business?

Logistics Director, Automotive Equipment

Comment améliorer la gestion de mes documents et optimiser ainsi mes Workflows?

Department head, insurance company
In this context Integrytis launched via the Thin-Track brand in the new RFID project (Radio Frequency Identification).
Indeed, Thin-Track was involved in partnership with IBM and STOCKWAY in the project management of the European EPC Global Pilot (RFID) on behalf of the company BENEDICTA.